Slimline bollard range
The Slimline bollard is one of the most popular models in our stainless steel range.
Securapost® Security bollards are used to prevent the ingress of vehicles onto property or into buildings. Leda’s expertise is applied to anti-terrorist applications as well as for protection from criminal elements (Ram Raiding).
The most common forceful intrusion of commercial & industrial properties. Thieves will steal a vehicle to ram a frontage or roller shutter and intentionally destroy part of the building. Most security company response times are +5 minutes in which case the ram-raiders are long gone. Our business began in preventing this type of criminal activity over 10 years ago and has grown from 1 to 400 bollards with over 125,000 installations. It is a huge problem that many business are only just becoming aware of.
Mechanical security
This term broadly encompasses our business which provides a physical barrier designed to deter would-be thieves and forces them to look for easier targets.
Mechanical security
- is a visual deterrent
- provides a physical barrier
- prevents the intrusion
Security bollards for commercial premises can:
- secure roller-doors in factories & warehouses
- protect glass frontages & doors of shops, shopping centres & retail outlets
- prevent vehicle theft in car sales yards, panel beaters & auto workshops
- define access ways, protect gates, prevent unauthorised parking
Leda’s Locking & Removable models feature a unique patented locking system (AP 624290). Found only in the Leda range it allows easy removal & replacement of bollards. Keying is conveniently located at waist height. Click here to see how easy the removal & replacement is.
The security bollard range is rated to allow selection of the appropriate bollard system to suit the overall security levels required. Bollards can operate either as an independent ‘stand-alone’ system or be installed in conjunction with other Leda products to vary security levels required. Click here to view Bollard Impact Ratings. This table is intended as a general guide to the relative strength of various bollards. Higher levels of security can be achieved by selecting a bollard with a greater wall thickness &/or a larger nominal bore.